Inspection Services
We perform detailed narrated inspections of underwater structures utilizing experienced commercial Divers, ROV and Sonar technicians.
- Ongoing field construction monitoring, QA/QC and
- Remote internal pipeline and tunnel penetrations to 3000-feet and more
- Detailed structural condition assessments of waterfront facilities.
- Comprehensive dam inspections for cracks, leaks, and concrete degradation
- Bathymetric, geophysical and oceanographic surveys.
- Destructive and Nondestructive Test (NDT) of underwater structures and materials

Our Specializations
- Stand-alone sonar imaging and profiling surveys of sanitary outfall pipeline diffuser ports and at submerged locations access is restricted.
- Submerged and buried pipeline and cable tracking and locating utilizing radio detection (utility locator), marine magnetometer, sub-bottom profile or bubble pulse, and DGPS tracking and navigation systems.
- Sidescan sonar and bathymetric bottom profile and contour surveys for locating objects, identifying or documenting bottom features, and search and recovery in lakes and rivers, estuaries, and bays, coastal and offshore locations.
- Structural condition surveys using NDT of above and UW metal, concrete and wooden structures with low-light or high-resolution video documentation, ultrasonic (UT) thickness gauging and shear-wave examination, magnetic particle inspection (MT), and other acoustic sensing and ultraviolet lighting techniques.
- Current velocity and multibeam sonar bottom surveys utilize Total Station survey instruments for “as-built” documentation of marine dock substructure piling, integration of ultra-short baseline positioning with DGPS survey systems to create a 3D mapping.
- Third-party construction inspection during critical component stages requiring QC or QA of the Owner's contracted work for extensive or complex underwater repairs, new pipeline construction, field monitoring of marine construction materials, etc.
- Remote video inspections to 1000′ deep and up to 4000′ of penetration within flooded pipelines, concrete-lined and rock tunnels, and shafts; slant range positioning.
- Sonar profiling to monitor and document scour, dredging, sediment accumulation in basins, canals, along levees, beneath piers, and bridges; USBL navigation or positioning.
- Sonar imaging to locate submerged structures for recovery and obstacle avoidance under turbid water conditions; condition surveys of concrete-lined and unlined canals, piers and abutments, and across dam faces.
- Both “live-boat” towed or stationary ROV and Sonar profiling for submarine pipeline condition and bedding or armor rock protection surveys on oil and gas pipelines, water transmission and sanitary outfall pipelines, fiber-optic communication, and power transmission cables.
- Marine oceanographic, current velocity and biological studies with remote deployment and recovery of instruments, studies of marine animal behavior, and marine or aquatic seabed plant distribution research.
- Use of small, portable ROV inspection systems for low cost and easy deployment in tanks, reservoirs, and lakes with larger systems powerful enough to work in ocean currents and deeper water inspections specified for complex tasks and larger payloads.
- We use remote imaging equipment including ROV systems for video, towed arrays (gradiometer, side-scan sub-bottom profiling sonar systems), Multibeam and single-beam mounted, and other fixed remote imaging & bathymetry to conduct detailed UW investigations. Shallow and deep-water pipelines, pier foundations and bridge footing structures can be surveyed for scour, erosion and sediment accumulations levels.
- Our ABS-certified UW specialists conduct ship surveys including UWILD, NDT inspections (ultrasonic thickness gauging and magnetic particle) and emergency damage assessments of commercial vessels. They also perform in-water vessel underbody repairs including mechanical and structural repairs, and hull repairs with removal of fouling from rudders, propellers, and seawater suctions.
- Destructive testing is utilized by core drilling and laboratory testing to measure the compressive strength of concrete and chloride intrusion. We can also perform non-destructive testing (NDT) to measure corrosion potential readings and wastage of structural steel. It can also determine flaw detection using UT or MT equipment and techniques.
- Diver helmet mounted and hand-held video and still photograph documentation, laser imaging or sizing, and development of specialized tooling help us to inspect your facilities. We utilize UW flow meters and insert small articulated manipulators with scanning sonar heads into sanitary outfall diffuser pipelines, ultrasonic thickness gauging (UT), and water quality testing and monitoring.
- Roto-drilling and boring of materials, water jet probing into seabed and lake bottom substrates, oxy-arc cutting, and destructive testing of concrete, steel, and wooden materials collected by divers enable us through laboratory analysis of both your structures and surrounding areas to help determine their useful remaining life.
Start Inspections Today
Make sure to reach out to us if you have questions about our inspection services. We would be happy to provide you with the answers.