ADCI Audit
In 2022 as we were coming out of the pandemic fog, URI completed our company audit for the Association of Dive Contractors International (ADCI). The ADCI represents the commercial diving industry around the world and establishes industry-wide consensus safety standards. As a member company with all of our divers carrying ADCI certification, URI maintains compliance with their standards.
However, since the pandemic still loomed over us, the ADCI requested that we complete a virtual audit “at a distance.” This required electronic preparation of all of our labor and equipment documentation for certification and maintenance. One component of the audit was to perform a live commercial dive displaying several key components of the operation including appropriating staffing, equipment setup, and job site protocols. Our pandemic solution to this requirement was to film a dive both topside and underwater. URI produced an 11-minute edited video of our audit dive and submitted it to the ADCI. They loved what they saw and suffice to say, URI passed our audit with flying colors. The video can be viewed here.